ARTAS Robotic Hair Restoration

A Complete Guide to Eyebrow Transplantation: What you need to know

Eyebrow transplants are becoming an increasingly popular cosmetic procedure for those looking to enhance or restore the natural appearance of…

4 months ago

Hair Transplant Timeline: Growth, Recovery & What to Expect

Hair transplantation has emerged as a beacon of hope for those experiencing hair loss, offering a chance to regain not…

6 months ago

Hair Transplant Comparison with Hair Replacement and Hair Implantation

When it comes to addressing hair loss, the array of options available can be overwhelming. Among the most discussed solutions…

6 months ago

Corrective hair transplant surgery

The topic of corrective hair transplant surgery is back………again Lately, I have been performing way way too many corrective surgeries…

8 months ago

Hair Loss and Hair Straighteners

Many of us have turned to chemical hair straighteners as an apparently quick and efficient option in our quest for…

8 months ago

What is the big deal about low-level laser therapy – LLLT?

We see ads on TV, in the large chain stores like Costco that have LLLT caps for sale and promise…

10 months ago

FUE demystified or the magic of FUE?

What is FUE? Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) hair transplant is a minimally invasive surgical procedure used to treat pattern baldness…

10 months ago

Are FUE hand held devices the future of hair transplant?

So, what is FUE - hair transplant? In a nutshell Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) hair is harvested through small circular…

11 months ago

BHT – Body Hair Transplant – A Comprehensive Overview

Are you struggling with hair loss and finding traditional hair transplant methods insufficient to meet your needs? There’s an innovative…

12 months ago

What is an FUE Hair Transplant? Exploring the Procedure, Cost, and More

Are you tired of seeing your hair thinning or balding? Wondering “what is an FUE hair transplant?” FUE hair transplant…

1 year ago